
Tai Sui, derived from ancient Chinese astronomy and astrology, is a virtual star that orbits in the same but opposite direction as Sui Xing (Jupiter), and later evolved into a deity in Taoism and folk beliefs. Tai Sui holds an important position in Taoism and is endowed with the ability to control the blessings and disasters of the world. There are twelve Tai Sui in a year, corresponding to the twelve earthly branches and the twelve zodiac signs. The Tai Sui god changes every year according to the way of reincarnation. For example, Tai Sui in the year of Jiazi is the general of Jinli, Tai Sui in the year of Yichou is the general of Jingli, and so on. In the folk, there is a saying of "committing Tai Sui", that is, the human zodiac sign is opposed to the Tai Sui of that year, and it is believed that bad luck and disaster will occur.

Tai Sui


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