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The Quanzhen School in China issues religious disciplines. Those who are determined to enter the path of Taoism should take life and body as the foundation and integrity and sense of shame as important. Be cautious and careful.

Quanzhen Preaching Altar This Altar We humbly hear that The Supreme Oneness established the Teaching and thereby opened the gate of tranquility and purity. The Patriarchs set up the altar and emphasized the model of rules and regulations. To seek a pure heart and a calm mind, one must abide by the rules and regulations. Just as a fine jade becomes a fine vessel through thorough polishing and a refined gold is remelted through strenuous refining. Since Patriarch Qiu established this monastery, it has long been renowned as the "First Forest of Meeting the Immortals". It is famous in the capital, with glorious sunlight and resplendent clouds. It is near the capital region, with cranes dancing and phoenixes soaring. Fortunately, relying on this monastery, feather-robed Taoists from all over the world can look up to the religious appearance. All the good believers from all directions can admire the primordial qi. If one cannot reach the shore of the Tao and ascend to the heavens in broad daylight, then one should firmly abide by the immortal model and abide by the precepts and regulations. One should do one's best and be punished for any mistakes. We solemnly list the rules and regulations as follows. 1. Love the country and love the religion, and abide by the national laws. Those who violate will be expelled from the Taoist sect; 2. Those who do not respect the temple halls, the statues of deities, and do not cherish the scriptures and religious objects will be punished to reflect before the deities; 3. Those who do not kneel and worship reverently in the hall, talk and laugh loudly, or act frivolously will be punished to reflect before the deities; 4. Those who do not dress neatly in Taoist costumes and lose their dignity will be punished to reflect before the deities; 5. Those who do not participate in the morning and evening chanting services without reason will be punished to reflect before the deities; 6. Those who do not gather to celebrate the birthday of the Celestial Venerable on the new moon and full moon days will be punished to reflect before the deities; 7. Those who do not respect the teachers and elders, and do not be friendly with the Taoist community will be punished to reflect before the deities; 8. Those who smoke in public places such as the monastery halls and dining halls will be punished to reflect before the deities. 9. Those who slander the masses, cause trouble, fight, and玷辱 the religious style and damage the image of Taoism will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled; 10. Those who seek profit in the name of taking disciples and disrupt our Taoist sect will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled; 11. Those who waste the offerings from all directions, damage or squander the property of the monastery will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled; 12. Those who form cliques, spread rumors, and disrupt the harmony among the Taoist community will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled; 13. Those who unjustly demand offerings from the believers will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled; 14. Those who drink alcohol, eat meat, and kill living beings will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled; 15. Those who do not practice the right way, engage in heretical practices, and deceive people for property will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled from the Taoist sect; 16. Those who go out without asking for leave will be punished to reflect before the deities; those who do not return at night will be expelled from the Taoist sect; 17. Those who are addicted to alcohol, gambling, and immoral or illegal acts will be expelled from the Taoist sect; 18. Those who embezzle, occupy, misappropriate, or steal the property of the monastery will be expelled and expelled from the Taoist sect; 19. Those who slander the orthodox religion, disrupt religious harmony, disrupt ethnic unity, and undermine national unity will be lightly punished to reflect before the deities, and seriously will be expelled from the Taoist sect; 20. Those who betray the teacher, change the religious affiliation at will, and abandon the Taoist belief will be expelled from the Taoist sect; The above rules and regulations are originally the profound model of the Patriarchs. They are instructions for the later generations and the steps to enter the Tao. They are used to expound the great Tao and cultivate the sentiment and refine the life. If one can truly abide by these and practice without mistakes, and even achieve perfection in deeds and fulfillment in practice, there is no need to worry about the difficulty in ascending to the immortal rank and reaching the Jade Pool. Those who are determined to enter the Tao should take their life and body as the foundation and integrity and shame as the important. Be cautious and beware. It is necessary to post this notice. The right notice is hereby given.
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